Category Archives: Politics

Mitt Romney to profit nicely from Chinese workers taking American jobs? (Video)

Let’s get rid of…….

Let’s get rid of Medicare and pretend poor seniors won’t have a need for expensive health care in their senior years. 

Lets’ get rid of Social Security and pretend Wall Street knows what’s best for you and your retirement savings. 

Let s get rid of unions and pretend all company bosses will do the right and fair thing by their workers.

Let’s get rid of after-school programs and pretend it won’t have an effect on grades and crime in many of the disenfranchised and poverty stricken neighborhoods.

Let’s get rid of Planned Parenthood and keep pretending kids aren’t having sex & we can see if teen pregnancy rates drop.

Let’s get rid of the Affordable Care Act and pretend health insurance costs won’t go up.

Let’s get rid of Roe.v.Wade and pretend the government knows or has a right to choose what’s in the best interest of a woman or her baby after it’s born.

Let’s get rid of diplomatic efforts in foreign affairs and pretend that uncalled for, unilateral, costly, destruction and mayhem of a people and their land for so-called  best interests (code for war-related profit motives) rarely happens.


GOP Math don’t add up!!

Mitt = A sack of lies

$5 trillion tax cut =/= deficit neutral or all the loopholes closed and exemptions ended

$5 trillion tax cut = $2000 tax hike for the middle-class

100% minus 47% who are retirees, troops in military, low wage earners, students =/= 100% of population

100% of population = a hostile takeover venture to Mitt

Medicare vouchers =/= anywhere near the cost of health care to seniors

Medicare vouchers = End of Medicare

Mittens just doesn’t add up.

Romney’s tax plan is based on assumptions – that the middle-class are suckers!

Romney dazzles with lies,lies, and more lies in 1st Presidential debate.

Romney plays a shell game in first presidential debate



President Obama will float like a butterfly sting like a bee in tonight’s debate

Check out the article at: News

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