GOP Math don’t add up!!

Mitt = A sack of lies

$5 trillion tax cut =/= deficit neutral or all the loopholes closed and exemptions ended

$5 trillion tax cut = $2000 tax hike for the middle-class

100% minus 47% who are retirees, troops in military, low wage earners, students =/= 100% of population

100% of population = a hostile takeover venture to Mitt

Medicare vouchers =/= anywhere near the cost of health care to seniors

Medicare vouchers = End of Medicare

Mittens just doesn’t add up.

About Leo Kapakos

Leo Kapakos, is a seasoned ex-Wall Street executive turned writer. Leo's very well-versed in finance and economics and isn't always happy with the way Wall Street conducts itself. A self-described "political junkie" and life-long Democrat, Leo's no-nonsense op-eds have taken on politicians, bankers, and the media. Leo is a native New Yorker who is an avid sports fan, boxing enthusiast, classic movie lover, and dog lover. He has written on all these topics. He writes Political Buzz for the (New York) and is featured on Newsflavor, Sportales, Bizcovering, CinemaRolling, and

Posted on October 8, 2012, in Politics. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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